It really forced me to focus a little bit more on all that goes on in this hectic home of ours.
Here is a low down of our Sunday.
Wait...back it up. I should mention that my hot boyfriend took me on a date last night. We went to a new Italian restaurant on Main Street that just made the top 10 best Italian restaurants in Utah. It did not disappoint! Dates rock.
So, this morning, we got up bright and early, and I made our traditional Sunday morning muffins. Believe me when I say, the muffins are a MUST. The kids act like the world is over as we know it, if we happen to miss the Sunday morning muffins. Good grief, what have I created.
I ventured out about a month ago, and made waffles one Sunday morning, instead of muffins.
Oh the wrath! It was ridiculous.
Muffins it is...and probably always will be.
Then the usual Sunday morning mayhem ensued. Getting ready for church around here can pretty much be described as trying to get a herd of wild cats bathed, dressed, fed, and smashed into a car with one hand, while trying to do the same for yourself with the other. All the while, trying to beat a timer that seems to speed very quickly.
Somehow, we usually make it to church on time, but by golly, we are sweating bullets, out of breath, and half crazed by the time we walk in those doors. Someone is almost always crying, at least one person has no shoes on, and you would never in a million years be able to guess that I had actually combed my children's hair that morning. Gotta love the Sunday morning madness. OK, not really.
Sacrament meeting was the usual wrestling match, but today I swear it was 100 degrees in there! I welcomed the chance to take a kid out to the hall, just to get some air!
I sit up front of the primary room, because of my calling, so I get to watch my kids and see their cute little mugs do singing time, sharing time, and all of that great stuff during primary.
Today, little Lukie slipped out of his chair, and quietly walked over to his friend Evelyn's class and say by her. A few minutes later, he ever so slyly grabbed her hand. And there they sat for the rest of primary.
It was THE CUTEST thing in the world. I was beside myself. What a man...what. a. man.
Mary and some other kids, sang in the Stake Children's Choir last week for Stake Conference, and our singing leader let them sing their song in front of the primary today. They sang I Am A Child Of God in Spanish. It was awesome. Miss Mary has some guts. You could not have paid me to do that when I was her age. You could not pay me to do that now.
Down the hall, Molly accomplished her first week of nursery, being left alone, and not crying!!! And the angels rejoiced....seriously.
After church, mayhem ensued, Sunday clothes were thrown off, as if they were on fire, the pantry was completely raided, and the bathrooms were all occupied.
I got to work on the roast. Another Sunday staple. Why is it always food???
yes, there is a roast and carrots and onion under that massive pile of potatoes. |
Guess what! I got Molly to drink it!
Molly eats pretty much nothing. She is the worst eater on the face of the planet. Sometimes I wonder if she even has taste buds.
I was so happy that she was chugging this mug full of nutrients, that I got out my phone to record this moment of molly consuming something...anything, into that belly of hers.
She was being a total ham, so I just kept on clicking away.
until she pulled my hair.
Then we were done.
The rest of the day consisted of naps for some of us, lots and lots of wrestling for the boys, eating dinner, or in Molly's world, throwing dinner on the floor, playing board games, playing with the dog, going on walks in the snow, and making a fun dessert.
This week, the dessert was cake pops. Again, food. What the?!?! We need some new Sunday traditions. Geesh.
My friend dropped some cake pops by the week of Christmas, and I tried one. Holy Moly were they good! I ended up hiding them, and eating all of them. Yup, my family had no clue we even had any. I am the mom, I can do that. hehehehehe
Since then, I got the recipe from my friend, and I have been waiting for the right moment to make them.
I have been on a 3 week sugar fast (minus one mess up day), so I figured this would be the perfect treat to break the sugar fast with.
They look nothing like the beautiful ones my friend made, but who cares, food is food is food is food, right?!?!
![]() |
uuummm, yeah. The ones on the left totally slid down the stick. My bad. |
Anyway...they tasted exactly like the ones my friend made! Perfection to the taste buds.
However, due to my sugar fast, after 2 of these bad boys, my body was freaking out. I got all shaky, dizzy, and sick.
Not fair.
I even tried to pretend my body wasn't flipping on a massive glucose overload, and I ate another one, just because. Bad idea. If brains could explode from sugar...this would have been it baby. See ya later.
I still have not decided if my body's new aversion to sugar is something to celebrate, or something to mourn.
And now here I sit. In my bed. Molly snoring in her bed. (she is still a little croupy). The dog just quit protesting that she is stuck in her bed. Scripture and prayers are done. Kids are tucked in. Lights are off. The house is finally quiet and still. It is snowing outside, and a new week is about to begin.
This is the part where I hunker down in all of my down pillows and blankets, flip on Netflix, and zone out. YYYYEEEESSSS!!!!!
Until next time....
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