It has been a week full of love and cuddles. It has also had its trials of course.
All of the normal things that come with having a baby. The joy of having our adorable little, well, big baby boy here is still so new and exciting. We are very, very happy. He has completely taken over our hearts.
My mom came on Sunday, just hours after Will and I got home from the hospital. Perfect timing.
She was a LIFESAVER!!! She just left Thursday night, and I already miss her so much. There is always such a great feeling in the home when your mom is in it.
She took turns at night feeding William. She took Mary and Sam all over the place and helped them stay entertained and happy. They went to McDonald's, the park, the toys at the mall, on walks, to Build a Bear (where they got their first ever Zhu Zhu pets..which they love), and everything in between. Grandma is amazing! For whatever reason, Mary started calling her "Gram." It was hilarious. We aren't sure where she got it, but it stuck. My parents are officially known as "Bop" and "Gram" thanks to Mary. Love it.

She gave William lots and lots of snuggles.

She gave me support, confidence and love.

My mom makes a blessing blanket for each grandchild. They are always beautiful and stitched with love. She finished Williams while she was here. I can't wait to wrap him in it while his father gives him a name and a blessing. I love these blankets and have them all in a very special place. They will be keepsakes forever.
She left our home happy, comfortable and full of grandmas love. I had a nice good cry when she left. She just left such a good feeling in our home, I miss her a ton already.

I sure love my mom.
On night 1, Ben and I were in for a shock. William hadn't really cried at all up to that point, and then at 10:30pm he began crying. He cried non-stop..literally, for the next 7 hours. Nothing we could do would comfort him. We tried everything. I even tried to nurse him. I knew I wouldn't be able to, but I tried. It didn't work. Needless to say, Ben and I were at the breaking point after seven solid hours of him sobbing, and it was only the first night. We were a mess and William was exhausted. My heart was broken for the little guy. I ended up crying and I lost all hope very quickly.
After a blessing for William and one for me, we called his amazing pediatrician, who also happens to be the wife of the Dr. that did Ben's kidney surgery...Dr. Bong. We totally lucked out with her. She only works Monday and Friday. We had the baby on Friday, so she was there at that time, and we needed her on Monday, the only other day she was in. We told her what was happening, and she was able to diagnose William immediately. It was a huge blessing and answer to our prayers. The formula saga has continued, and actually will be getting post of its own, but I am happy to say, I think we may have it all figured out. Cross your fingers.
William has the same thing Mary had as an infant. It took the doctors 9 months to find it in Mary. Mary suffered a lot because of it, and I still feel so bad. Because of our experience with her, we were able to catch it much earlier this time. William was doing the same cry Mary did, as well as the same motions with his arms and legs.
William was born with a part of his stomach that wasn't fully formed yet. It is the part the digests protein. He will grow out of it in a while, but for now, he cannot digest anything but a specific formula. I called the doctor just before the office closed, and I was able to get there and pick up the formula right as the doors were being locked.
We put him on the formula right away, and he has been wonderful ever since. FEW!!!
He is an adorable baby and we all love to hold and cuddle him. He eats every two hours, just like the other kids did. He has one long stretch of 4 hours in the afternoon, and I make sure to nap with him at this time.
He seems to be very mellow and content. He likes to listen to Mary and Sam play.
Mary LOVES to hold him and is always asking to do so. She is a great big sister.

Sam likes to touch his head and watch him. Sam moves so fast, I am having a hard time getting pictures of him with the baby. I will keep trying though.
We are all in love with our little spirit fresh from heaven. He has brought a very special and sacred feeling into our home. We love to just stare at his chubby face. It is one of peace and love. We are basking in it.

I am recovering really well. I thought I would die from engorgement for a few days, but that ended quickly, thank goodness, and life has gone on. I am trying to ignore the nasty baby bump that keeps me looking 6 months pregnant, but at least I know it is only temporary. I am still low on energy and need a lot of time to rest, but overall, this has been a great recovery. Everything has gone smoothly and well. From past experience, I have learned that this is nothing to be taken for granted. I am very grateful. I have no complaints.

This is a random picture, but I forgot to post it in the last post. It doesn't really look like Dr. Weary, but it is the only picture we were able to get. He has been an amazing doctor, truly. He almost feels like an old family friend. I am so incredibly grateful for him, and that he could be there to deliver William. I plan on getting a better picture at my 6 week check up.
Mary and Sam are adjusting pretty well. They struggled the first few days with all of the babysitters and with the changes going on. They rebounded so fast though, and they are already doing fine. Having a baby in the home proves to me that they are growing up. I just want to freeze them the way they are and keep them here in our home with me forever. They keep us going and they remind me that life is fun and full of excitement. They are so precious to me.
I worried that I would not have enough love to go around for three kids. But once Will was born, I just had more love. I love all of my kids so much. I don't love anyone any less, I just added one more to love instead. My family is so precious to me.
Ben has been awesome! Even though he is working, he is doing a feeding at night. Sleep deprivation is no fun for anyone, so I am very grateful for this sacrifice from Ben. It is so cute to see him come home and play with all three kids. The love in his eyes is so special. He is a great daddy and an amazing husband. He takes awesome care of me.
I am so blessed.
What a beautiful baby! I'm so happy you got your happy ending.
That is wonderful. I'm so glad your mom could come, and Ben's mom could come, and you can have this time before you move.
Congrats on Will! He is adorable.
Congrats and Congrats again!! He is a perfect little guy. I'm so glad you have your mom and Ben!
So glad to hear you're all adjusting to life as a family of five. He is a beautiful baby!
Aren't mommies the best?! I am glad she got to be here, and that you have more help coming in. What a great pediatrician too, to catch the problem so quickly. I am sure it helped that you've been there before. Will is such a cutie pie. I love the smiling picture! YAY!
What a good week. Challenging of course, but a great week. I am so glad that your Mom came. I don't know what I would do without mine after the babies come. So much more fun and love to come from your sweet new baby!
oh, what a sweet adorable little guy! I'm so happy for you and Ben. SO SO happy...
SOOOoo awesome! I think there is a lot of forgetting to motherhood. We forget the woes of pregnancy, the hard adjustments to having that baby, but I think it's still surprising how much you can love them so quickly and how they are so immediately an inseparable part of your family! Congrats again and I can't wait to see you all!
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