I am a numbers person, and even though the numbers can make things seem overwhelming, I feel very blessed to be able to have a plan and to have numbers. We have a BUSY next few months ahead of us. I am trying to stock up on sleep and energy now, because I think I may just be as close to dead as a human can be by the time August rolls around. Gotta love moving with a newborn. One of these times, we may just escape it. So far though, we are 3 for 3. And I would rather experience all of the craziness this summer will bring, than go though last summer all over again. It's all about perspective my friends. Please remind me of this when I am running around like a crazy person in about a month from now.
2.... broken toes (yup, I broke another toe this week. This one was WAY worse. I actually lay there on the floor and cried this time. My kids even heard the snap) I need to learn how to walk. Or maybe I just need to be able to see what is in front of me, that would help.
2.5.....cm dialated
50.....% effaced
( I am sure you all just love getting that info. But hey, I am pregnant and that is how it goes)
1....week until next appt.
2...weeks until mom and sister are here for a few days for a soccer tournament
3....weeks and two days until due date
?....when baby will actually arrive
(does anyone else see the problem with the above scenario?)
June 4th...due date
June 4th...we close on our house
June 4th...my Birthday
My mom and then Ben's mom here for the first two weeks after baby is born.
July 4th...bless our little guy in the Colorado Springs, Briargate Ward. Happy Independence Day!
July 4th-July 15th....pack, pack, pack, pack
July 15th...the kids and I say goodbye to Colorado Springs (I basically have my heart ripped out) and drive to Utah, with Mary, Sam, and a newborn. Ben stays behind to finish up work.
July 16th...my brother gets married in the Timpanogas temple. Reception that night in Utah, open house the next day in Pocatello.
July 16th-July 23 Belnap family reunion. I get to see my whole family!
July 23rd-July 30th I drive to Utah a few times to paint the house! The rest of the time is spent at my parents house in Pocatello.
July 30th....Ben finishes his last day of work here in Colorado, packs the moving truck, says goodbye and heads to Utah.
July 31st...we move into our home in Utah
July 31st-the next few months...we move in, unpack, Mary begins kindergarten, we start new ward, Ben starts new job,I cry a lot (out of stress, fatigue, hormones, and because I am terrible with change), and we adjust to everything.
Can I have a nap now?
This Is Where It All Begins

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
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WOW....You will be a very busy mommy. You are such a trooper! Just think how nice it will be to be closer to family when you get settled in Utah. Utah will become your home and you will find your place there. And, you will be greatly blessed for following the guidance the Lord has blessed you with. Hang in there and good luck with everything! You are awsome!
WHAT? You're moving to Utah? Where? I hope we can hang out! In the meantime....hang in there. It sounds like it's going to be a crazy summer, but it'll be totally awesome, too. :)
BUSY BUSY BUSY!! You are stong, you can do this Becky!! Love you guys!! What a lot to look forward too!! HOW FUN!!
I can't believe it's only three weeks until your due date. I know it feels like it's been forever for you, but I feel like this pregnancy has flown! I hope, for your sake, these next three weeks fly by. I am sure excited to see that sweet baby boy!!!
oh.my.heck.becky. you are superwoman! I have no doubt you can do this, you do have superman next to you after all :)
love to you guys
WOW! It sure is a busy time for you. Good luck with everything. I'm excited for you to hold your sweet baby in your arms...soon!
You are busy. Take it as easy as you can, and as you've been told before, get lots of help.
lucky! I am only at one centimeter and I am so ready!! I don't know how much more I can take.
busy busy! good luck!! only 3 more weeks to go. can't believe it!
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