They are both completely miserable, and it literally makes me cry to watch them go through something so awful.
The fevers are a constant battle and the poor kids are hurting all over.

Lucky for us, we were able to get Tamiflu for Sam. It was a close one. They are running out all over the place, and the qualifications to get it are very strict.
Mary gets to ride this out with nothing. I can't even stand to think about it.
They are both on Motrin and Tylenol around the clock. Our counter is beginning to look like a pharmacy.

The momma bear in me came out and I am in full survival mode. I have forgotten myself. Although, I do eat and drink, because I am taking care of baby #3 as well.
The Lord has definitely had his hand in this, because miracle of all miracles, I was able to make it through the entire day with only one nap. And that is after being up 1/2 the night with the two kiddos and being terribly sick for 6 straight days.
The cramps have also calmed down. Huge relief.
Somehow, even though Ben does have a nasty cold (cross your fingers) he has been able to help so much and allow me to rest. He also somehow had an awesome work week with the few hours he was able to get to work. We have been so blessed.
I called Mary's gymnastics coaches, and pulled her out of her class for the next week or so. They were very kind and understanding.
We will all stay home from church this week and possibly next.
No play group.
No preschool.
No play-dates.
No shopping.
No library.
We are hunkering down and waiting this one out.
Ben and I are doing everything we can to make the kids comfortable.
I made the brave trek into Walmart today in order to get the vitals. I basically wiped down the entire cart before and after. I avoided everyone and tried not to breathe. They were completely out of childrens Tylenol. The name brand and the no-name. Thank goodness for food storage medicine.
Our home will be our little cave for a while now, and we are going to make the best of it. There is nothing else we can do.
Here is a picture of my bedside pharmacy. I have my drugs, some books, lots of kleenex, a very special and adorable card from Mary, and my loveable "get well bear" from Ben. It is the softest bear I have ever held.

We have stuff set up for the kids downstairs. The couches are the best place for them.

You know...I don't really know why this year seems to be one thing after the next for us. We have been hit with a lot. But today, while I was typing the previous blog post and crying like a baby out of discouragement, I noticed it was quiet.
I looked around me and I saw peace.

There was a beautiful snow lying on the gorgeous bright red, yellow and orange trees.
I watched as the snow slowly melted, the sun came out, and the world was a beautiful rainbow of autumn colors, all fresh and moist.
We are in a wonderful season of warmth, family, friends, pumpkin pie, giving, sharing, beauty, magic, wonder and peace.
I have felt peace and happiness ever since. There is just a hope and a joy in my heart. I am so excited for Fall! I absolutely love this time of year, and it is here!!!!
The Swine Flu will not last forever.
It will not ruin this wonderful season and the magic and excitement in the air.
We will beat it, and we will beat anything else that may come our way.
I am full of hope. We will walk away from this. More lessons will be learned. It is just another mountain to climb. We will come out on top.
And come what may, we have hope. We have a lot to hope for.
We will continue to enjoy this season to the fullest. We still have our giant spider to make for the lawn. Sam's Halloween costume to find. Ben's Birthday gifts to order and wrap. Christmas gifts to begin working on. Decorations to find and put up. Snow skiing to enjoy. Family trips to plan. Christmas lists to finalize. New Moon to watch at midnight next month. Leaves to jump in. Pictures to take. Mountains to explore. Yummy food to bake. And a baby to see in 10 days (via ultrasound).
We have so much to be excited about and look forward to! Even if all we can do right now is plan and think about it, it is enough. That itself, brings happiness.
We are in the Lord's hands, and His hands are tender and kind. Even though this horrible Flu will be awful for them for a while, and it will be so hard to watch them suffer, I have faith that my babies will all be o.k.
We will all be o.k.
It makes me sad just looking at the pictures of your kids. They look so miserable. Keep pushing through it and hopefully soon you can enjoy fall.
If you need anyone to run errands for you..more popsicles, more medicine, a redbox movie...please call ME!!!!! I will be happy to help you with anything!!!!
- I'll put my cell phone on a private message on FB.
Becky you are such a trooper. I am betting that your strong normally healthy kids will be sick much shorter than your flu lasted. Plus one bright note, when most of us are battling the flu later you can sit back and say that you have been there and done that and give us all good movie and book recommendations. Enjoy the days of relaxations and skipping activities, you will be back to your hectic pace very soon. Well maybe in a few months at least.
You are amazing, Becky. Your faith is incredible. Your family will be in our prayers. May the Lord truly bless you through all of this!
Hang in there!! Hopefully it will pass quickly!
Keep your chin up! We love you guys!
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