My Reasons

My Reasons

This Is Where It All Begins

This Is Where It All Begins

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

big buddy has a party

Along with the party at the bus stop on the last day of school, we decided to have Williams Birthday party that afternoon.

He invited 6 of his friends over to play water games and celebrate his Birthday with him.

It was quite the party!!!

We did a water balloon toss contest, we did the balloon stomp game, we had a massive water gun/water balloon war, and the kids went bonkers!!!

 Mary, and her friend Lexi were a huge help, and pumped up and tied water balloons for two solid hours.  They saved me!

After the water games, we pulled out the piniata.

This piniata was no joke!  It would not break!  These poor kids whacked it and smacked it, and pounded it.  The hanger broke off, so we tied it by the arm.  The arm broke off, so we used the other arm.  That arm broke off, so we used a leg....and so on.

By the end, we had a quadriplegic minion lying on the sand, still full of candy.  Unbelievable!!!

We finally grabbed a heavy baseball bat, and let the kids just go to town while it was on the ground.  By this point, I was feeling kind of evil, teaching these boys to pound the crap out of this thing.
In the end, they finally broke through to the candy.
This is one Walmart purchase that I think was actually made well...just a little too well.

After the piniata, it was cookies and ice cream and presents, and finally, the party was over.

William had a blast!  Luke and Molly cried the whole time.  Mary was a huge help.  Ben was at work. Sam was just one of the party goes, and I was brain dead, drained, and my ears didn't stop ringing for about an hour.

But hey, William had fun, felt special, and made a great Birthday memory.
I call that a win.

We hurried and cleaned up, I gave myself a few minutes of quiet time to regroup when Ben got home, I made a salad, we gathered our blankets and pillows, and headed over to party number 3 for the day.  The neighborhood pot luck, outside movie, last day of school, first day of summer celebration.  Mary also had a party at Eden's house, so we dropped her off there first.  Technically, I guess it was a 4 party day.

We ate, talked with tons of friends and neighbors, and we ended the night watching a movie under the stars.

Have I mentioned that our neighborhood rocks?!

I am pretty sure William thought the whole day of parties was all for him. 
At least, I hope that's what he thought.

Happy Birthday Big Boy!

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