My Reasons

My Reasons

This Is Where It All Begins

This Is Where It All Begins

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

spring break

We had a fun and relaxing spring break this year.

We didn't have anything major planned, because we have a fun Vegas trip planned in a couple weeks for Mary's regionals.

We decided to keep spring brake casual and fun.

Thank goodness the weather was great, so the kids were able to play outside a ton.

Molly discovered the hose for the first time, and loved it!

 All of the kids spent copious amounts of time on the trampoline, but the only time I got picture was with these to hooligans.  They just laugh and laugh.  It is adorable!

There are popped water balloons all over the trampoline, because just before this, Sam and his buddies had a giant water balloon fight.  I am sad I missed it.  I do have video footage though.

We let the kids play night games a few times, and they also had some late night move nights at our house as well.  Again, no pictures, sorry.

One of the days, we met up with our neighbors, the Sweats, at the provo rec center and swam and swam and swam.

Molly discovered the slide, and Mary probably took her down it 7 or 8 times.  Mary is such a great sister.  The kids had a blast at the pool.  Again, no pictures.  I was too busy making sure nobody drowned. :)

We went to a move one night as a family.  This is very rare for us, so the kids were very excited.  I spent majority of the time out in the hall with Molly, but the kids really enjoyed the movie, and I am glad we were able to go.

My neighbor is a life flight nurse, and one day, she called and asked if William wanted to tour the life flight helicopter.  She didn't have to ask twice!!!

They got to tour it, and watch it take off.
The boys came home talking non stop about the whole experience, and Luke quickly found his toy helicopter and played with it the rest of the day.  The LOVED IT!
Thank you Karli.

I lined up a cul-de-sac barbeque on Thursday.  We all drug out or barbeques and lawn chairs into the circle, and ate and talked for hours.  It was so much fun!  Once it got dark we had s'mores, the kids played night games and we just enjoyed the evening.  We are so blessed with such great friends and neighbors. It made me so excited for summer!!

We were all able to get some chores done, get a good amount of sunshine, get some nasty sunburns, eat popsicles, play a lot, and have a great spring break!

It was a wonderful week.

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