For some people, the existence of angels is questionable. It is something that requires faith and maybe stepping out on a limb. I can understand this point of view.
For me however, I have never doubted that there are many, many individuals on the other side of the veil, that are constantly watching over us, and at times, making bold moves to protect us or warn us. This week, the angels were very near my little Sammy, and I am so grateful.
On Tuesday, as Sam was eating a bowl of frozen berries, I was reading a few things and cleaning the kitchen. I heard his spoon crash to the floor, and glanced over at him. He was completely blue and trying to get off the stool and over to me. He was choking.
So many things can go through the human mind in a few seconds at a time like this. My first thought was of worry. I was scared that by doing the heimlich maneuver, I would break his ribs. I also thought about when to call 911. I was also trying to remember first aid. I was scared out of my mind. As Sammy slowly slipped out of consciousness, I grabbed his little body and as soon as I pulled him off of the stool to begin first aid, the jerking motion helped him to swallow the strawberry that was lodged in his throat. To me, this was a miracle. It was a whole strawberry! That thing wasn't going anywhere without some divine intervention. I believe angels were near.
As Sam gasped for air, we both cried and I hugged my little boy a little tighter the rest of the day.
I wish I could say, that was the end of it, but it was only the beginning.
On Wednesday evening, I was just finishing up with Activity Days, and making sure all of the girls had a way to get home. Sam asked if he could play outside in our circle, and I said yes.
I wish I could say that I had some thought or premonition about him, but I didn't. I didn't think twice really.
A few minutes later, I heard Ben yell Sam's name. He was just pulling in the driveway after work. The yell didn't sound good. Ben came blasting through the door carrying Sam who was screaming his head off. Sam had blood dripping from his ear.
I am not a doctor, but I have 6 years of Sports Medicine studies in my brain, as well as a CNA certification. (that is now totally outdated) I know full well, that blood from the ear is a bad thing, a really bad thing.
Ben had found Sam running home screaming, and it looked like he had been hit by a construction truck that was parked in our circle. Ben and I were worried.
Sam eventually told us, through sobs, that he had been hit in the head with a golf club. It was an accident. The kid that hit him, is a very strong and very coordinated kid. The hit was hard.
Sam screamed and screamed and screamed. His ear bled and swelled. I soon saw that the blood was coming from a cut on his ear, not from inside his ear. That gave me some relief. Sam eventually went into shock, and again scared me to death. He was literally writhing on the couch in pain.
We called a doctor, who told us she couldn't give us info over the phone. It was after hours, and we really didn't think much could be done for an ear, so we just tried to help Sam, and eventually he calmed down and fell asleep.
This part kills me. I know better than this. What was I thinking! I let him fall asleep! My kid was just smashed in the head and he was sleeping. I can't believe I didn't think more about it. How many tests did I take about this. How many times were signs and symptoms of concussions drilled into my head. I was more concerned about his ear, and for some reason, I wasn't thinking much about a head injury. ugh
And then the clear fluid began dripping out. It dripped and dripped and dripped. Sam slept in our bed with us, and I had a napkin that I had to keep dabbing his ear with. Thank goodness, I did recognize this as a bad sign, and I knew more was wrong.
The next morning I took Sam to the doctor. She saw the clear fluid and the swelling of Sams ear, and then declared Sam's injury as an emergency and sent us to a specialist in Salt Lake. (yes, this all went down on Ben's Birthday). I had to pull Mary out of school early, and jet up to Salt Lake. Ben met us there. The specialist was booked solid, but got us in. He said that Sam's ear needed to be stitched, but it was too late now. Geeze. He also suspected a skull fracture, and possibly a bleed in the brain and sent us to Primary Childrens for a CAT scan. A bleed in the brain can be fatal and can slowly happen over a few days without many signs or symptoms.
I am sure you can guess the freak out going on in our heads as parents as this point.
We dropped Mary off at gymnastics and headed up to Primary Childrens. It took 30 minutes to get Sam to do the CAT scan. He was absolutely terrified of the machine. The technician tried everything to help him. Toys, bubbles, stickers, ect. The last resort was to sedate him, and we REALLY didn't want to do that. They finally had to strap him down to the bed. It was horrible. The killer, is that he had to be completely still. I prayed and prayed and prayed. And all of the sudden, Sam just calmed down and held still. Another miracle. More help for unseen sources.
A few minutes later the specialist called us and gave us the lowdown.
No bleeding in the brain!!!! I can't describe the relief.
Sam's skull is very bruised and he has a hairline fracture to his skull as well.
Because the fracture was small, we were able to come home with Sam, with strict orders for him to lay low and be careful. (not easy for a 4 year old boy)
Although, it is a very serious injury for my little boy, I feel that we were blessed. It could have been so much worse. There is no reason it wasn't worse. I know that Sam was protected this week in so many ways. Prayers are answered and angels exist.
Today we are celebrating Ben's Birthday, and we are all walking a little lighter knowing that Sam is going to be ok.
This Is Where It All Begins

Friday, October 28, 2011
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Goodness, Becky!!!!! how scary!!! I'm glad that he's going to be okay...I would have fallen apart.
Goodness, Becky!!!!! how scary!!! I'm glad that he's going to be okay...I would have fallen apart.
You poor thing! I'm so glad that he's alright. You are such a good mom and I'm glad he has you!! Hope everything continues to go ok.
That must have been so scary! I'm glad he's okay. You have some awesome angels on your side.
If my family wasn't milling around me I would have let the tears roll. I'm so glad he's okay. Love you guys!
Oh my goodness, we are all so glad Sam is alright. That had to have been beyond scary. Our Tucker is pretty accident prone and I know angels have protected him many times, so I know exactly what you mean. Give Sam a little kiss on the head from us and he'll be in our prayers.
Holy Smokes! I am so glad things worked out okay, but what an ordeal! Kisses to sweet Sam! And hugs to you, too.
Wow! Two terrifying experiences in a couple of days! I am SO glad Sam had angels watching over him, and all of you!
Oh goodness! That is so scary! Makes me want to hold my little ones tighter today! So grateful for the angels in my life as well! Love you guys! So glad Sammy is ok!
I believe in angels! I'm glad a host of them were attending to your dear boy when he really needed them.
This made me cry, it's crazy how much more you can relate to things when you are a Mom. I am glad it all worked out ok. Here's to a great week for you guys!
Angels are out there and I am glad that they were with you. I am so sorry that this all had to happen to you. Please let me know if you need anything! I will be there in a minute, okay, maybe 45 minutes, but still. You know I am here!
I can't even imagine. I hope I never have to. I am so glad things are okay and that miracles are real. THat little boy has great things to accomplish :).
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