I got lucky this time, and Ben was able to stay home with the boys (and his dad who came to visit), so I was able to sit and watch the meet un-interrupted. It was SO NICE!
Mary did great! I don't watch any of her practices, so I am always excited to see the progress Mary has made from one meet to the next. This was the first meet where she did all of the tricks by herself. She has been working on a trick on the bars for a long time, and she finally got it this week! She nailed it today in the meet.
She also did her handstand on the beam all the way up. She has been doing baby handstands lately because of a nasty fall she had in practice that made her scared, but today she went all the way up again!

It is so hard to get pictures and video at the same time. This is her on the way down from her handstand.
It was so fun to watch Mary, her team and all of the gymnasts there. They are all so talented and so cute. Mary's team took 2nd place and Mary recieved an individual all around bronze medal. She was beaming.

Lovely spot for a picture isn't it. hehehe Look at the huge trophy though...so cool!
She qualified for the State meet next month, and she also qualified to move up to level four.

After talking to her coach though, I decided that level four can wait a while. She would be the youngest on that team by three years. I would rather that she stays in level three, where she is still very young, but where she can learn better how to perform and compete mentally. She would be lost in the crowd in level four, and would get frusterated. This way she can move up when she is a least a little older, and handle it all better mentally. Her coach was ok with the idea and said we can wait 6 months or so before moving her up.

We are so excited for the State Meet next month! I am proud of my little girl and all of her hard work. Good job Mary!

go, Mary, go!!!
Way to go Mary! That is so exciting. Going to state is so unforgettable!
What a talented little girl you have! Seriously, do we still get to be friends when she is an Olympic Gold Medalist? :)
Way to go Mary!!
Holy Moly! Way to go Miss Mary, and way to go Mama for knowing how to pace her :)
Wow I am so proud of Mary! She is amazing and we can't wait to come watch her at State! Cool Medal also. sure love the pictures...she looks so little!
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