He has two teeth and is currently cutting four more. I guess this face helps his top gums feel better, and it made us all laugh pretty hard.

He is now sitting in the shopping cart! No more lugging the big, heavy carseat to and from the store.

He loves music and dances, by rocking back and forth, when he hears it.
He crawled forward, the right way, for the first time yesterday. He still prefers to mug around the room and all ways and forms, but the official crawl has finally happened.
He learned to eat those star puff things. He is a texture boy and used to gag on them. He will now pick them up and eat them himself.
He LOVES peek a boo.
His back is extremely tickelish. So is his head.
He is outgrowing his 12 month clothes.
He just started throwing little baby tantrums but bucking his body back and forth. It makes us laugh for some reason.
He smiles very easily and is a pleasant baby by nature. He is a charmer and loves to charm the women in Relief Society, or old people at the store. His chubbiness only adds to the charm.
He loves loves loves leg rubs, and will fall asleep quickly when I rub them.
He sleeps on his side.
He has decided to wake up early in the morning, which has been an adjustment for mommy. He does have a good schedule though, so I can't complain too much.
He gets very excited to see his siblings or his daddy come home after school, play, or something else. He loves his family, and his family loves much.
He looks so much like Sam in that picture! What a sweetie boy!
I love the picture of William in the shopping cart, so cute!!
What a darling little chunkaroo! I love the lip pout. He sounds like such a great baby, even with the getting up early :).
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