They went night skiing, and had a blast! It was late, and I was sooooooooo tired, so I stayed home with William, rented a few red boxes, bought some chocolate covered cinnamon bears, and hung out with my baby.

The kids had a great time! Mary picked up right where she left off last year, and didn't require any help from Ben. She was very excited to go, and Ben said she had a lot of fun. Ben brought a rope and wrapped it around Sam's waist. Sam went in front of Ben and Ben used the rope to control Sam's speed. Sam had a much better experience this time and is still talking about it today. He is very proud of himself. This morning when I asked him how skiing was he said, "It was so fun mom, but I had to pull daddy down the hill with a rope." I about died laughing.

(a picture on the chairlift)
I am so glad that the kids could have such a great time with their daddy. Sooner than later, we will all be able to go as a family each time, but for now, I think I like knowing that there is some daddy/kid bonding happening on the ski hill. I also quite enjoyed myself with my treats and movies. I smell a tradition in the making.

I was going to make a post about this in the Fall, but I never got around to it. We call this, "Pre' Season Practice." Hehehe

That pre-season practice is AWESOME!!!
What lucky kiddos!!!
How great that the kids had such fun!
how fun!
did you know the only place I've EVER found chocolate covered cinamon bears is utah? Can't find em here. So, I say, good tradition!
What a fun night, for you and for the kids/Ben!
Awesome! Ben is brave to tackle skiing with two little kids all on his own, but if anyone could do it, it would be him I guess! We're glad the family is enjoying the mountains!
Love the pre-season practice!! What fun for the kids, and making some good memories with dad!! Love it!! Hope all is going well!! Miss you guys tons!
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