As always, February went by really fast. I can't believe I am almost in the third trimester! (next week it will be official) This pregnancy is going by quickly. We are getting so excited!
First of all...a HUGE thanks to all of you who have been so supportive of our situation with the blog going private and for your words of kindness and support with what caused us to go private in the first place. Crazy stuff, but it is behind us now and all is well.
I know that going private is a pain to you as well as to me. I have been so worried about losing all of you because our new posts won't just "pop up" for you anymore. It really bites. We don't want to be forgotten, no one does.
So, thank you for the loads of comments on the last post (first one since going private...I was so paranoid that no one would check up on us again) and for sending me your emails. It calmed my worries and helped me to see how true friends really do care. I think we are about 80% up and running again. There are just a few more people I am still trying to find out there, but for the most part, we are pulling it all together. I hope that all of you feel free to continue to check up on us and keep it rolling as it has been before. We will, of course, continue to be checking up on all of you. That is the joy of blogging!
Anyway, to start off March (which is normally a month of crazy weather), I thought it would be appropriate to post about our Colorado weather. I grew up in Idaho and spent my college years in Rexburg. Both places are known for their weather, but nothing compares to living here. Pocatello has a cold winter, but it does have all four seasons. Spring, summer, fall, winter. I LOVED growing up in a place with all four seasons. Rexburg had four seasons; cold, really cold, absolutely freezing and warm for a month or two. Colorado has all four seasons as well, but sometimes, you can get all four in one week. It is something to behold. Colorado is very well known for being sunny though, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE that. I crave the sun, and it is so great to have so much of it. Even though it can snow and get cold (which we enjoy anyway) the sun seems to be shining throughout the majority of the winter months.
The past week it has been warm and sunny, foggy, snowy, we had a little rain, and we have had a range of at least 20 degrees from one day to the next. So...we roll with it. Here is how we do it in our neck of the woods.

The days where the snow is melted and it is early spring-like temps. We pull out the bikes, the walking shoes and the sidewalk chalk.
Sam gets tired riding his bike up the hill, so Mary often gives him a lift. (as seen in the picture) She is such a good sister. Pretty cute.

The days where there is too much snow to ride bikes, but not enough to make a snow man. Chilly outside, but not too cold to stay out for an afternoon floating sticks down the "river" and stomping in the gutters.

The sunny/cold days. Perfect for finding ice chunks like these.

The snowy days. We really like these. I won't even tell you how fast they were going. Let's just say it was enough to have them both laughing their heads off and me almost having a heart attack.

The out of the ordinary really warm days that make us say.."is it really winter?"
And then there are the days when it is just plain bitter cold with no hope of being outside. Those are the days we snuggle up, pull out a movie, bake something warm, fattening and delicious, and settle in for some good family time together.
We look forward to another month full of posts of memories, pictures, stories, baby appointments, good moments, learning moments, unexpected stuff that always happens, randomness, and of course, crazy weather.
Don't forget us! We won't forget you.
I love love love the sunny Colorado weather too! I want to stay and enjoy it for the rest of our lives! By the way, it makes me a little worried there are masses of crazys out there!
Love the pictures! Especially the one of Mary chilling in the car seat. Your kids are adorable!
Didn't you just love the crazy Rexburg weather? Ha! I can't wait for it to warm up more here. We'll be spending all summer outside.
well, you are doing awesome at carrying on. LOVE YA,
We got it...thanks!! We might go private after the baby too, just to be safe.
How could I forget you guys?! You're family. I loved this post, it's a lot like Boise these days. COuld you send something warm yummy and fattening my way (please?!). Congrats on trimester #3!
Oh my goodness, Becky!! I had no idea it had gotten so bad for you all!! That is terrifying! I have heard some blog horror stories, but this takes the cake. Maybe because it happened to someone I know, but my goodness. I grew up with a dog on a leash. I can't believe people would get so upset. I am so sorry, how scary. Your poor family. I really hope things are ok. That is the reason I have a lot of friends that wont blog or facebook, they are too worried about what info a strange crazy can get about them. Good for you, taking the high road. I really hope that this will be the end of it. It is just amazing that some people will go so far out there to attack a stranger.
Just so you know, I really think your blog is great.
You weren't kidding about your weather, but it looks beautiful.
Amber Lackey
Kelsey and Gma Belnap love the picture of Mary in the car seat in the sun! Amazing how our family loves to the sun! So cute!That picture is a classic!
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