
This isn't the best before shot, because it only gets one angle of the room. I am not sure why I didn't get any more picts. Probably because I forgot. I am in the forgetting phase of pregnancy for sure. I completely forgot our R.S. Women's Conference. Completely Forgot St. Patricks Day until it was 1/2 over. (that is a big deal, because I NEVER forget a holiday), I totally forgot my chiropractor appointment, and so on. I have to write everything down now...everything.
O.K. back to the room.
Mary's furniture is in excellent condition and it is adorable just the way it is, so I didn't have any desire to paint it. The changes to her room are all basically a change in the decor and the bedding. The paint job will be the biggest thing, but that will have to wait until I can paint.
The colors for her room are a pale pink and black with hot pink accents. The theme is "pretty lady in Paris."
First thing I did was fix her constantly messy "diva corner."
We went from this.

To This.

I changed the "table cloth" to a solid color, so it wasn't so busy.
We got a new mirror and a new little plate to hold her diamonds and "pretty things."
The jewelry box fits the room style perfectly, and there are a few more matching accessories that will be coming soon.
I would love to get her a really cute and classic vanity table and chair, but they are so dang expensive! I am keeping my eye out though.
This is on the wall right above the mirror.

My sister in law has a vinyl we do some trading every once in a while. It is great.
Next came the bed. Her old bed set was pretty cute, but it was stained with make-up and markers, and a pair of scissors were also taken to it a few times. It is now providing a lot of comfort and warmth for the dog out in his house.
The bed went from pink, green, and turquoise hearts and stripes to this.

I absolutely love this bed spread. Mary found it and picked it out. I was impressed. It is adorable and matches so well. It is also reversible and easy to wash. SCORE!
Next came the cluttered corner where all of her dolls, ponies and "things" are kept.
There wasn't a ton I could do for this, but I did my best.
We went from this.

To this.

We painted this little stand.

Then we put stuff back on it. I am still looking for a container to replace the orange and pink one on the stand.
Then we found some baskets like this.

The other basket is circular and so cute! I will get a picture of it later. The fabric on the lid is twill. They go together perfectly.
Then it was time to clear off the dresser. The dresser had a bunch of multi-colored gerbera(spelling) daisies on it, a memory box, and some pictures. It was cute, but kind of messy looking. We changed it to this.

Then it was on to the night stand. Same story. Cute stuff on it, but nothing really went together. I had to put a black pillow in the background so the picture would show up. The window kept ruining the picture. Oh well.

That lamp is in it's last moments. I am still on the lookout for the perfect lamp for her room. I found a few that I like, but we are awaiting Mary's final approval. They are very cute and fun lamps.
The picture frame on her night stand is actually what inspired Mary's entire room. I saw it in the store and the ideas started flowing.
Then came some wall accessories. She had cute stuff on the walls before, but again, it just didn't really pull together. So, here is what we have.

Mary has this pink one in her room

And Sam has this red one in his room.

Thanks mom.
I am keeping her walls simple...just like in the boy's room, because once I can, I will paint, and I have some fun painting ideas. Once the paint is on the wall, we won't need much decor. I do like what we have though.
So here is the final of now. There are still some things I am working on, but so far, here it is. Mary loves it, and so do I. It has been a lot of fun!

So cute Becky! You did such a good job and I'm sure Mary is in love with it. So I have one random idea for you, on that orange and pink storage box, instead of buying a new one you could always modpodge scrapbook paper on the orange part so it looks exactly like you want it too. Then just spray it with a clear coat and it should be quite durable.
This turned out sooooo cute! I love it!! Good work!
SUPER CUTE!!!! I love both their rooms. :) You did a great job!
Nice job on Mary's room! It is so cute.
Ah, that is a great room! I'll bet Mary just loves it. Good job to her, for picking out her bedspread!
Oooh, this turned out so well! Good job!
I love it!!!
Love the room, you did such a great job! LOVE the colors and it totally fits Mary!! You are awesome Becky!!
So cute! You probably had as much fun doing it as Mary will have living in it. I love it! That is one of the best parts of being a mom - doing things for your kids just because you want to make them happy! Good job Becky - you are a great mom!!
Very cute!
That is really cute! I'm typically not a big fan of that color combination, but you have DEFINITELY pulled it off! It's fabulous!
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