This week is soooooooo full of fun things and so much to do! I LOVE the holidays and being so busy with great things. I tend to get bored easily, so I love it when I have a lot going on. This particular week is pretty crammed.
To Do:
1.Finish hanging Christmas lights on house, now that Ben is back and can help
2.Plan Mary's Jungle Safari Birthday stuff and put goody bags together
3.Find a way to make a princess cake for Mary..and make it
4.Buy family gifts and ship them
5.Ward party stuff...I am on the is this weekend, same day as Mary's party (only free day we could do Mary's party)
6. Enrichment stuff..I am on that committee too (plan, coordinate and make calendar for 15 mini-groups every month)
7. Mary Kay skin care class
8. Find games to play at Mary's Party and make stuff for them
9. Get Christmas cards ordered and printed off
10. Address and mail Christmas cards (this is actually a big project)
11. Clean the is filthy after our weekend without Ben
12. lots and lots of laundry
13. Make cupcakes for pre-school party
14. order some last minute Christmas gifts online
15. Take care of a toll payment that is WAY overdue..lots of time on the phone for this one
16. Get back into a normal running routine. I have been going 2-3 times a week since the marathon, but now I am feeling totally recovered. Better start 4-5 times a week again, especially with all the holiday goodies coming our way.
17. craft group
18. Babysitting
19. Make and deliver Christmas goodies to friends and neighbors. This one is a favorite for me, and a fun FHE activity for our family.
20. Package and ship out Mary Kay product to some customers.
21. And all of the other normal day-to-day stuff that we do here in our home.
To some, this list may seem like nothing, but for me, it is pretty busy. I really like it this way though. All of these things...well most of them...are fun.
Yet another reason I love the holidays!!!
This Is Where It All Begins

Monday, December 8, 2008
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sounds like a busy week to me! Want to add a trip to Sams Club to your list?! Seriously, I'm kidding but maybe next week?
Wow wee you are going to have a busy week, I like my weeks that way though every once in a while. How are things with Ben's mom?
Busy? Are you kidding me? I'd be lucky to do all of that in three months, not a week!!! You go GIRL!!! Good luck with it all...I picture you doing all of this, perfectly, and within a few's wearing me out! I guess I need to get my hindie in gear!!!
That list reminds me of why I don't make lists anymore. It looks like more than enough for a month let alone a week!
I'm the same way...I love a busy schedule so I don't get so bored. It seems like the kids don't get so grumpy or bored either when we're busy. Plus it makes me enjoy the un-busy moments. Your week sounds jam packed! Have fun and Happy birthday Mary!!
Hmmm, does sound familiar! But I am just buying a cake because I am lazy and we FINALLY finished all the lights yesterday! That was quite a process! Have a fun, busy week!
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