Today is Mary's Birthday...the big 4.
For some reason or another, this has been the most sentimental Birthday she has had, for me.
All day, I just keep pondering on her birth, her infant life, her toddler years and now her cute little preschool years. I guess it is just shocking to me that she is actually growing up...and fast...too fast.
Because of my reflective mood today and in light of her Birthday, I guess I will write a few of the things I have been reflecting on about Mary.
She was born in Rexburg, Idaho on one of the coldest days that year. I think it was in the negatives. My snot literally froze when I walked from the car to the hospital doors.
I labored for 14 hours with her and pushed for 2 of those hours. Mary went into distress and so did I. We fought together and made it through. She was a BEAUTIFUL baby! She came home on Christmas Day in a cute red dress. What a gift!
Mary was the most energetic infant I have ever seen to this day. She was CONSTANTLY moving her head, her arms, and her legs. She was very very alert. She had dark brown hair for about a month, and she was a CHUB! Oh man, she was adorable!
Mary had 8 ear infections (no tubes), strep, thrush, and so many horrible colds that we couldn't tell one from the next, in her first year of life. We later learned that mold under the carpet in our appt. was the culprit. We moved soon after. We went to the doctor a lot. We also discovered her allergy to penicillin that year as well. She is a fighter. She was also allergic to milk, which we didn't know until she was 9 months old. Like I said...she is a fighter.
As an infant, Mary LOVED rides in the car and the stroller. She also loved her swing. As long as she was moving, she was very happy. She also loved to be sung to. I made up a song for her that was so fun to sing. Kind of dorky, but cute. I loved to just hold her close and sing to her.
As a toddler, Mary was soooooo dang cute, and also incredibly strong willed. She LOVED to be outside and moving all the time. She got a sense of humor really fast and had us cracking up all the time. She is a very fun-loving child. She loved to just play, play, play. She was such a good sport with Ben and I both being in school and Ben working. She just rolled with the flow and had a good time.
Mary is now in gymnastics and preschool, and is growing up fast. I am shocked every day with the tricks she learns in gymnastics and with the educational things she learns in school. She has a big love of learning and trying new things. She accomplishes what she sets out to do, but she also has a lot of fun along the way. Such a great quality.
Mary has grown to be a beautiful, fun, happy, smart, athletic, and precious little girl. She lights up our lives in so many ways. She is such a sweet big sister to Sam and she has a big heart. She is very determined and is as quick as a whip in that head of hers. Nothing gets past her. She is so full of love and sunshine, and is the first one to spread the love around to those she comes in contact with.
We love Mary so much. Our lives have been so blessed and enriched with her in them. She is such a precious gift from above.
Love you baby girl!
What a beautiful post for a beautiful girl!!! Happy Birthday Mary!
I cannot believe your little girl is growing up so fast!!! She is adorable! And the rest of the family is pretty awesome as well!
She is beautiful! I remember seeing that dark hair and wondering if it would stick...
Happy Birthday Mary!
Happy Birthday Mary! What beautiful memories, and it all does go so fast, doesn't it?
That is such a great post! I can't believe it has been SO long since we saw you guys! So did she outgrow her milk allergy? We discovered Zach is allergic to milk when he was 6 months...he is now 15 months and is still just as allergic, but we are hoping it goes away!
Ok I sat and cried when I read through this and listened to the music. I MISS MARY MAISEY SUNSHINE my sweetheart granddaughter!!!!!! I get to see her tomorrow and it can't come fast enough. She is so so special....and yes growing up way too fast for all of us!
what cute pictures! Hope you had a great Christmas. Can't wait to hear about it.
Happy birthday Mary,
I remember that every time we saw her, we'd think, whoa, that girl is CUTE! You always did her hair so cute too. She's grown so much. Allison saw her picture, and said she wanted to play with Mary. We miss ya'll,
THe rhiens
Holy Cow! I remember when she was born. Makes me feel not so young. Hope you had a great Christmas and New Years!
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